Tuesday, 31 January 2017

4 yoga sequences in 10 minutes to welcome a better and healthier life!

With us entering the first month of the year, the New Year resolutions are still going pretty strong in our minds. So for all those lazy bones who promised to get it going with yoga, it is actually time to stop procrastinating and start putting your thoughts into action. Since, it is generally difficult to imagine the process without a proper plan to stick to; here is a list of yoga sequence that you can perform every morning. They take only 10 minutes to perform and should be done in a repetition of 3 for the most effectual results.

Downward dog pose

Begin on your all four with knees a hip-width apart and hands in front spread at least a shoulder-width apart. Inhale and start pushing your body upwards supporting your weight on your limbs. Pull your stomach in and push your hips towards the ceiling. All the while, keep your legs and hands straight. Hold the pose for 5 counts and recline back to the original position. Repeat this circle 3 times. Downward dos pose works up the shoulders and arms making them stronger.


Plank is performed to strengthen the core along with the shoulders and arms. While holding the original position for downward dog, inhale and slowly raise your body keeping your spine straight. Lengthen your spine by pressing your thighs together. Pull in your belly and hold your breath for 5 counts. Exhale slowly and gradually get back to the original pose. Repeating it in a simultaneous circle of 3 will help you feel better.

Cobra pose

After performing the plank in a circle of 3, lie flat on your stomach with the heels facing upwards and palms downward placed beside your shoulder blades respectively. Slowly inhale and push your chest upwards while pressing your pelvic muscles and toes into the floor bending your spine. Count till 10 and come to the original position while exhaling gradually. The cobra pose focuses on the back muscles aiming at making them strong. Repeating this exercise 3 times daily early in the morning will give you definite results.

Boat pose

After you are done with the cobra pose, sit upright on the mat with the legs spread in front of you. Keep your hands at your side with the fingers pointing towards your feet. Slowly raise your legs as you lean back slightly. Stretch your torso and raise your hands so as they are parallel with the floor. Your thighs should form a 45 degree angle with the floor. Hold your breath for 10 counts and repeat this asana 3 times. Boat pose not only strengthens your abdomen and hips but also improves the process of digestion.
Once you complete one entire cycle, repeat the entire set 2 more times. The results will be visible within a month summing up your hard work.
Style Tips
While performing yoga, make sure to wear clothes that are comfortable. A pair of yoga shorts with medium compression will be great pick for the above mentioned asanas. You can opt for a sports bra or a tank top that will allow you stretch. The fabric of the garments that you wear should have a soft touch on your skin. They should be able to absorb moist to avoid clinging to your body.

Many retailers have gathered a plethora of clothes that range from yoga pants to tops. They come in a variety of shades and textures that will surely astound you. priced within your budget, these will be worth the buy.